meara, I sent, I sent! There will be no dinner or drinking without you; Sparky doth decreed it.
Beej, email me (profile addy is good) and I'll make sure that you're included in further emails. FYI, to join the list, just send a blank email to dcistas-request (at) buffistas (dot) org.
I'm sure information dissemination will not be a problem with this bunch.
Because I'm impatient...
How are people feeling about doing some city pimpage for 2007?
How are people feeling about doing some city pimpage for 2007?
Uhm, Go Boston! Choose Boston!
Okay, I'm done.
People who actually
on the east coast?
Where's flea? I hear she's just sittin' around the house, bored. (heh. So totally kidding.)
Boston would be good. I would almost definitely be able to make it.
I'm TOTALLY pimping Boston. But, this is SO not a good week for me to do it. I can if I have to, but I'd like to do a little research, and really, with Emily moving, me moving, my vacation, my bride to murder and Guilder to blame for it, I'm swamped.
East Coast, huh? So how far west would be counted as still being East Coast?
Good question. I would consider Philly east coast, as opposed to mid-west. As a for instance.
But, uh, probably not St. Louis. Sorry.
Other ideas that have come up: Atlanta, NC somewhere, Nashville.