Is there one in the coffee shop pictures?
No, I don't think so, though some of the late nights of photoshoppery madness are a bit of a blur.
Oh, I thought the crazy cash register tape in back of Kate P. and Anne W. might be your doing.
In other news....
I've booked a room just up the street from Zaytinya for Thursday night (the Renaissance)! Alcohol can now be consumed in its proper quantities.
I think we should take Juliana to Zeytuna in NY, just to confuse her.
I am unphased, for I can get photos of you when you're in Seattle in retaliation. Anyway, the camera easter egg was a very nice tribute, I thought, little miss prissy.
It was a nice tribute, actually. It made me grin.
Oh, I thought the crazy cash register tape in back of Kate P. and Anne W. might be your doing.
Ah yes, in this one. That's all real. I hadn't actually noticed it before but it gives me a good chuckle. The story is that this little coffee shop was obviously having it's slow point of the day with one guy up front, maybe one in the kitchen. A dozen Buffistas hit it in rapid succession, each needing drinks and food. Needless to say, it's not surprising that he wasn't paying any attention to the receipts. Ha! Man that guy looked like he'd been chased by a mob after we'd finished with him.
Emily, JZ and Juliana,
please check email. my head may force a reworking of the plans.
I look toasted in all photos. And I wasn't even drinking! High on life, I guess, or a contact high from so many Buffistas.
Must scan for eastereggs now.
Not quite true, I just beckoned to Sean to come get his photo taken with Joe.
Pete, I bow to you on many matters, but believe my slashy little self when I tell you that boys
other boys to embrace is something that I actively notice and enjoy.
Ahhh, Beej, we had such a rockin' time with you. So glad you met up with us. Last night ended up being lowkey - meara and amyth and I got yummy (and hella STRONG) drinks at a gay bar and then relatively early home. Fun times, though.
Oh, and Steph, I love the vid. I've looked through the pictures and enjoyed them, but am way too tired to hunt for the eggs.
Hooray for Buffistavids! And pictures!