There's one here, Fay...see if you can find it.
I can't find it! I don't have any idea what I'm looking for.
t pouts
How fantastic are smonster and amyth? Verra, verra, verra. They are gorgeous and funny and sweet...exactly as expected.
Beej, aren't they the bestest? I'm jealous that you got to hang out with them today. Glad you had a good time!
Is there one in the coffee shop pictures?
It really was a riot, warmed by their great smiles.
The music was hella fun too. All ages two-steppin' away. Golden moments I'd have missed without their fanity ways. I loved every minute of it.
Beej is completely made of awesome. I'm so glad that we got to meet her. And *rubs hands* another one into the Corb fold. MWA. HA. HA.
Beej has also become our "consultant" on matters of much import.
KATE! *hugs a million times*
Now, meara and smonster and I are filling our tummies with Salvadoran takeout leftovers so that we can drink. Yay!
Keep us updated on the evening's frolicking. I'm on pins and needles!
So far, the plans are very normal, and only include the three of us, but I will keep you updated!
Silly Pete. Have you forgotten that we have ALL of ND's pictures to upload still? Many of which have you in it?
I am unphased, for I can get photos of you when you're in Seattle in retaliation. Anyway, the camera easter egg was a very nice tribute, I thought, little miss prissy.
And what Pete doesn't mention is that he was orchestrating it all, being Slash Enabler Dude, saying 'Well, don't just stand there! Put your arm around him!...oh! er!...'. Although I don't think he was expecting gropage to ensue. Silly man.
Not quite true, I just beckoned to Sean to come get his photo taken with Joe. You're right that the gropage was completely unexpected. It went on for a while too. Eek.
I can't find it! I don't have any idea what I'm looking for.
Look closely at the camera.
Is there one in the coffee shop pictures?
No, I don't think so, though some of the late nights of photoshoppery madness are a bit of a blur.
I will give you all a clue for (what I believe is) the last easter egg;
It's in a picture featuring Joe.
Have fun.
Is there one in the coffee shop pictures?
No, I don't think so, though some of the late nights of photoshoppery madness are a bit of a blur.
Oh, I thought the crazy cash register tape in back of Kate P. and Anne W. might be your doing.
In other news....
I've booked a room just up the street from Zaytinya for Thursday night (the Renaissance)! Alcohol can now be consumed in its proper quantities.
I think we should take Juliana to Zeytuna in NY, just to confuse her.
I am unphased, for I can get photos of you when you're in Seattle in retaliation. Anyway, the camera easter egg was a very nice tribute, I thought, little miss prissy.
It was a nice tribute, actually. It made me grin.