Procuring more coffee, fetching me chocolate, smiting my enemies. You know, the usual.
Ah, the three Cs. Coffee, chocolate and carnage. There should be a song.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Procuring more coffee, fetching me chocolate, smiting my enemies. You know, the usual.
Ah, the three Cs. Coffee, chocolate and carnage. There should be a song.
What will Pete do, then?
Tell me I'm pretty, design my tattoos, and apparently not let me have fire or sharp things.
Emeline considers the perfect trajectory for the cereal bowl that will concuss the looming buffoon and enable her escape.
Tell me I'm pretty, design my tattoos, and apparently not let me have fire or sharp things.
Well, the first two things are good things. My friend Ted makes fire swords. I could getcha one.
Oh, you are so in trouble for that link.
I'm going to go photoshop you out of the nail salon photos now for I am an irascible Brit.
sits back and waits another 5 weeks for THOSE pictures
I'm sorry. The snark can not be contained.
Dear Sandy Claws,
I have been a very good perkygoth this year. For Christmas, I would like the mink skull Dracula doll from Paxton Gate, and a set of fire wings. Did I mention that I've been really, really good this year? I have. Honest.
Love and Kisses,
Dear Jilli,
I will have Aimee, my good friend, contact Tedward about getting you those wings.
Love, Sandy Claws
PS No gifts for poncy buggers. IJS.