Hm. I still have my tonsils.
Is this what's saving me from the Super-Ick? ::hugs tonsils tight::
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Hm. I still have my tonsils.
Is this what's saving me from the Super-Ick? ::hugs tonsils tight::
But I have pictures of Pete in his dressing gown. Heh.
Oh crap. I had forgotten about that photo. Waitaminute - plural?!?
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Wait, there was ick last year?
I was not! Not during Prom at least. Just pretty much the rest of the time.
At least you didn't continue with your denial because, y'know, I have photographic proof...
I have my tonsils and no Ick. Yay me!, 'kay, just the one, Mrs Wembley.
But it's very adorable.
Mrs Wembley.
That's actually a reference I don't get. Care to explain?
But it's very adorable.
But is it molded on?
I think it is molded on. But it's pointing at you right now, SuziQ!!!
(the Mrs Wembley thing is from some silly sitcom from the late 80s, iirc)
There's ick every year, Pete. It's essentially impossible to get 40-60 very huggy people together in enclosed spaces for a weekend without at least one bringing the gift of infectious germs. And then the Outbreak happens.
I am, however, very disappointed in the antisceptic properties of gin, which failed me utterly this time around. Next year I'm trading sickness in for public embarrassment and going back to demon rum.
Suzi is NOT a helper.
I have a new tagline, just for Fay. I also have tonsils and I'm still ick-free.
But it's pointing at you right now, SuziQ!!!
Oh, that is SO wrong. Don't make me explain that.
t blushes madly
Awww... seriously, it was an honor to dance for y'all. The love is madly returned. And Epic, I'm glad you enjoyed SPN!!!
You? Are SO CUTE.
Well, since we look so much alike, that means YOU are HELLA CUTE.
And while we're earworming -
Hair in my eyes like a Highland steer
Spring in my step like a white-tailed deer
Hitch in my hip like an old sheepdog
I puff up my chest like a big bullfrog