Suzi is NOT a helper.
I have a new tagline, just for Fay. I also have tonsils and I'm still ick-free.
But it's pointing at you right now, SuziQ!!!
Oh, that is SO wrong. Don't make me explain that.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Suzi is NOT a helper.
I have a new tagline, just for Fay. I also have tonsils and I'm still ick-free.
But it's pointing at you right now, SuziQ!!!
Oh, that is SO wrong. Don't make me explain that.
t blushes madly
Awww... seriously, it was an honor to dance for y'all. The love is madly returned. And Epic, I'm glad you enjoyed SPN!!!
You? Are SO CUTE.
Well, since we look so much alike, that means YOU are HELLA CUTE.
And while we're earworming -
Hair in my eyes like a Highland steer
Spring in my step like a white-tailed deer
Hitch in my hip like an old sheepdog
I puff up my chest like a big bullfrog
Suzi is NOT a helper.
Innocent, remember that? Innocent.
People with the 101 degree fever ick (like amyTH) maybe should consider the doctor. In an adult, a fever of 101 or above often indicates bacterial infection, rather than viral.
Thanks, Cindy. My fever was actually 100.8, which is borderline, and is down to 100.3 today. So I'm going to play it by ear. I have my conscientious just-took-the-MCAT roommate watching over me and looking down my throat with a flashlight, and his advice is if the fever isn't gone by tomorrow to go to the doc, which is the current plan.
I'm feeling great right now, though. Taking NyQuil during the day (because it's the only cold medicine I currently have on hand) feels incredibly decadent. Wooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Innocent, remember that? Innocent.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
t /Inigo
Cass, you missed a step. In between "Pictures!" and "OMG, you're sick too?" should be "Depressed. Miss my peeps."I knew I was missing a turn on the logic map.
At least you didn't continue with your denial because, y'know, I have photographic proof...Fay? Can I borrow a couple of your photos? Just for some casual blackmail.
Dearest smonster:
look out for them wranglers out in longview
with the left, back pocket worn out of their jeans
they can get you high up in the rockies
so you ain't never comin' down again
Hugs Perkins tight. I still have my local Buffistas. Yes, I do.
You surely may, my dear.
Pete's Loominess cannot harm me; my geographical seperation is like a shield of steel! Ha!
very definitely doesn't jump at the sight of Pete's tagline
Fay? Can I borrow a couple of your photos? Just for some casual blackmail.
I fear no photos. Even purportedly adorable ones.