2. A pair of beige backless Xhilaration beaded wedge womens shoes.
Those are mine.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
2. A pair of beige backless Xhilaration beaded wedge womens shoes.
Those are mine.
Home. Missing peeps. So far, no Ick, yaye? I left Ginger at the Atlanta airport with strict instructions to A) find her car B) drive carefully, and C) sleeeeep. Unpacking later. She's one of the few who can be sick and still funny.
There are no gorgeous funny foamy people here. How is that fair? On my final flight from Atlanta to Greensboro, I sat next to a cute young man, who apologized for not speaking English well. He's Piotr Kepinski, classical pianist, playing a local gig before heading to NYC for another. He'd been awake and in flight something like 20 straight hours. He'd make a fine Buffista...though I didn't tell him where I had spent the weekend, as I wasn't sure my emoting and hand-gestures were up to the task.
I am unreasonably (ahem) pleased to be the bear of very little brain for the board, so long as Fay is Piglet and Pete is Eeyore and the narrator. Possibly some of the other roles could be appropriately cast in future, but Mr. Reason proved himself variously a marvelous Eeyore, BDH, cat-herder, and infinitely patient. And oh yes, funny. Jilli is just the Jilliest, as I always knew she would be, and seeing her and JZ in a hat-off on the dance floor was a thrill. Prom was simply an overload of the foamy and fantastic. People shouldn't be able to wear colors like that and look that fabulous, right? Special powers, have Buffistas.
There are far too many people to thank: Deb, of course, for all the point work beforehand, being contact and pokesperson with the hotel, and for keeping the HS stocked. Others are due thanks for this too--I couldn't have afforded the trip had I not been able to skip the cost of restaurant meals. Deb also gets applause for booking the van and lift for the Bridge and Sausalito tour and dinner. Raq, Matt and Ginger get many props for repeated assembling, use, and disassembling of the lift. Nic and ND for the fantastic sound at Prom, Suela for bringing Laura Shapiro's vids to the HS on Saturday, and Laura herself to the Prom. All the localistas for the driving and the hosting and the tour-guiding.
Deb again for the damp but spectacularly-fooded BBQ (OMG--the food!), and the Monday night pasta supper. Matt for driving the smoosh-mobile to the DeYoung and the A&C exhibition, and for geeking as deeply as the rest of us over the art and the function and the line. See? Is too a synthesis of the Shaker function and Japanese form. Is! Suzi and Hec and JZ for hostage and tour-guiding and helping out-of-towners to explore and get to know SF and environs in ways only localistas can do.
Sooo many to thank for making the weekend so fabulous, and I'ma stop before they start the music and drag me, weeping in happy gratitude, offstage. One last personal thank-you, though, to KatieB for a Monday of gorgeous scenery and restorative contemplation, plus a chance to play with beads and baby kittens, and a bunk Monday night and a ride to the airport yesterday. Yesterday? Seems a week ago already. Not fair!
I love you all. There is no second sentence.
Brenda - email me with snailmail address, so I can send, please?
My ick is gone, except for a residual scratchiness of throat.
Ah well. Same time, next year....
Provided the fates align, I'll offer to be Deb's personal paparazzi next year. Gives me a chance to follow her around and eat enjoy her spicy brains without seeming like a stalker!
ION, I covet Jilli's Prom dress. Tres loverly.
Suzi and Hec and JZ for hostage
I had to read this a couple of times before I realized you weren't thanking me for kidnapping folks (which I did do, but have not mastered my bondage techniques, so I am buffista-free).
Deb - glad you are feeling better.
ION, I covet Jilli's Prom dress. Tres loverly.
I covet her entire wardrobe. PLEASE dress me. PLEASE.
Awake (mostly) and struggling against the Ick, which seems to be lessening. Am also claiming the title of Happiest and Luckiest Buffista Evah, because on my first F2F I got to:
I'm positive I'm forgetting things, but my only real regrets are not getting more Deena and JZ time.
Deb gets huge thanks for all the setup and point person work -- the prom was fabulous and the hospitality suite was beautifully stocked, and the BBQ food was bountiful and delicious. All the locals who offered beds and rides and hospitality, of course, rock.
Off to look at all the pictures and glow.
All of Jilli's dresses are covet-worthy. I also covet Vortex's smashing green wrap/coat/sexy thing she wore to prom.
The Pooh is mine, Deb, but it's not necessary to return it. The postage would probably be more than the book is worth.
I also covet Vortex's smashing green wrap/coat/sexy thing she wore to prom.
I just generally covet Vortex, 'cuz HOTTT. But that goes for basically lots of fab people who may or may not have been in SF a few short days ago.
Kate P. (who gets my vote for best laugh)
Aw, I can hear it in my head now. Hers is a nice laugh.
Oh! Crap. I forgot mention meeting P-C, and watching him dance, and listening to his wise opinions on Veronica Mars at Deb's BBQ!
I told you I was probably forgetting things. This will likely continue for days.