I posted my plea for donations to the fund, or for writers to send me scripts to raffle off to donors.
I hope it all goes well.
Liese, I think, for my own selfish motives, it makes me feel really good to be able to help out some working folks who are totally fucked right now.
I think, if it takes off, it does help the writers in a PR way, while allowing them to do something helpful to the crews they work with.
Editing people, if my post is confusing, would you help?
Allyson, it's clear and persuasive. Excellent job, my friend.
It sounds great, Allyson.
Nicely done, Allyson.
And gotcha. I'm pretty much right there with you with how you're feeling, so more power to you.
Well played, Ms. Beatrice, well played. Did you suggest CFerg lean on people? He might be able to prod to action, and if tells John Rogers that he knows you it might grease that very wheel.
I never got his email addie. I haven't got any writer responses, which make me nervous.
You didn't get Colin's address? I know I sent it. As for John's, it's on his blog: kfmonkey(nospam)@gmail.com
Allyson, the piece is awesome, clear and to the point, but with wry. Or on wry. Whichever. My point is, that while I love the Below the Line and its acronym, I think a lot of people need to know what that "line" is. You sort of spelled it out, but a pointer (pssst. This is the "line") might help clarify, for those of us cursed to be non-linear.
Also--can we link to that page on our LJ, or pimp it to fan communities? I know of a couple headed by less-craxy-than-some people that might love to collect to kick in.
Beverly, there will probably be an actual website you can link to in the morning. (Hopefully.) I'm working on it right now.