Obviously, I wasn't saying intelligent people don't make mistakes.
I think asking advice AFTER launching the campaign was a mistake.
In fairness, he asked for advice before launching the campaign on Whedonesque. That be where the idea came from, and there was debate on there about it, including from him.
I definitely agree United Hollywood are struggling with the fan aspect. It's incredibly disorganised in terms of getting information.
It's kind of killing me to stay out of all this. I think I'll go buy new curtains.
As an aside, the thank you notes in Press make me so happy.
Yeah, I think it's really cool that people are emailing!
Yeah, I think it's really cool that people are emailing!
Yes. Virtual hugs and all that. It's a nice little smile maker.
That's the motto, isn't it? "Look! A cliff! Let's run!!!"
On MST3K, their variation on it was "Run towards the danger!" Which I sometimes repeat to myself, just 'cause.
yes, the notes in press are giving me many warm fuzzies.
Can someone explain to me why people are weirded out by the idea of asking Joss to donate money as part of Allyson's plan to salvage the missteps already taken with this campaign, when Joss is asking them to open their wallets, again, six weeks before Christmas?
For I am confused.
i'm baffled too, Monique.
Well, in fairness the people who appeared weirded out by the idea were very much in the minority. Somebody did raise a point about it turning into more of a clusterfuck if showrunners started matching the pencils thing with their own money, as it would appear as though they're effectively funding the fan campaign, which would remove it's point.