When I was called for jury duty, one of the guys in the jury pool violated the judge's orders and was "disciplined accordingly." The judge didn't get specific but I really wanted to ask for details.
I was one of the defendant's peremptory challenges.
It's entirely possible that voir dire weeded out the people in my pool who wouldn't have taken the experience seriously. I know some of those people answered the way they did in order to try and get out of serving.
Voir Dire could have been fun for Tim, when he got asked about his recent job and told them about producing a show where people drive around the country and kill people. :-)
Hope he's not on a traffic case....
I know some of those people answered the way they did in order to try and get out of serving.
Oh, the people in my jury pool went to great lengths to demonstrate that they weren't fit to serve on a jury. We had one guy who, an hour after he'd already been asked his questions, raised his hand because he had more to add. He spent the next 20 minutes ranting about how much he hated doctors and the medical profession. (It was a medical malpractice case.)
He was still sitting in the jury box when I was excused.
I never get picked for juries. I'm, like, the least desirable juror ever.
On mine, there was a woman in the pool who was rather...not all there. She kept getting lost in the courtroom. Seriously. I was surprised how many not-crazy people they dismissed until they finally got to her.
And then I sat on the jury of the Stupidest Case Ever.
When I had jury duty I begged off the first case because the brother of my Kiwanis Club advisor was the defendant. Probably going overboard, but I wanted an absolutely clear conscience about my vote being unbiased. Then I got rewarded with a damages lawsuit built entirely on the testimony of one expert witness, who changed his story in mid-stream on the stand. Needless to say, we didn't deliberate overly long on that one.
There were two lawyers on the jury I was on. One had to reschedule a trial of her own to be on the jury. And the one person who was really excited about being on a jury was the alternate, so that was sad.
Also, the judge's clerk gave us candy.
And then I sat on the jury of the Stupidest Case Ever.
Bwah! I was just going to post about how I was an alternate juror on the Stupidest Case Ever!
oh Baltimore (if that was where you were on the jury)
And, since I was an alternate and they didn't end up needing me, I got to sit through all the tedious testimony and couldn't vote on whether the dude was guilty or innocent. and didn't stay to find out. I could look up the lady who knew a friend of mine (Smalltimore) who on the jury to find out how it went but...I just don't care enough.
And the one person who was really excited about being on a jury was the alternate, so that was sad.
IME lawyers are suspicious of jurors like that, though I couldn't tell you why.