There is an interesting post at WGA_supporters livejournal. It addresses the issue NoiseDesign brought up and suggests giving to the Actors Fund ( to help crew that may be impacted. Is this something that should be considered if the writers are reporting that they have enough food and supplies?
"Now, in all seriousness, I have to tell you that food and water are turning out to be in bountiful supply at our picketing spot. The generosity of fans, agents, production offices, and others is overwhelming. We talked about this phenomenon on the line today, and wanted to let you know that we're more than well cared-for. In fact, we're beginning to feel a little guilty that you and others have been so generous. What we'd really like most, if you do want to continue to show support for our strike, would be for the fans to make additional donations to CASA in honor of the striking writers. That way, our strike is helping others in far less fortunate circumstances in addition to protecting our writers' rights. Would you mind sharing this request with any fansites you think would like to know? ...
"Thank you so much for your support. It's very much appreciated.The WGA currently has a $12 million strike fund. However, the people who will need assistance as this drags on longer are those in film and TV who don't have access to the strike fund: the office assistants, crew members and actors. They will really need the help to be able to continue in support of our strike, and there's no fund for them. There is, however, a wonderful 125-year old nonprofit organization that provides direct, confidential assistance to all entertainment professionals in need, such as those I just mentioned. It's called the Actors Fund, and you can find out more or make a donation through their website: [link] If you do donate, let the Actors Fund know that your contribution is in support of those affected by the writers strike. They'll appreciate it, and so will I."