In seriousness, since I will have some time on my hands, I and my friends are thinking of ways to communicate what it is we ARE fighting for and why it's of the good and right.
Some random ideas...
Talk about middle class values. No one ever really realizes that is what any union is ultimately about. The right for people in the union to earn a living wage.
"What if you had to live on one paycheck a year?"
For every writer, there is X (include the numbers of over and under line employees) number of people making tv and films from a writer's work.
Shouldn't a writer be paid at least as well as everyone else?
Every time a publisher sells a book, the writer gets rewarded.
Why shouldn't every time Hollywood company makes money from the writer's work, the writer also gets rewarded?
What the Hollywood companies made last year. $XX (probably billions)
What the Hollywood writers want. 4 more cents
When a writer's work is on the TV, he get paid.
When a writer's work is on the computer, he gets nothing.
Is that fair?
Work on a show about make believe people, get health insurance.
Work on a show about real people, get nothing.
Why should Hollywood companies make its writers rely on government assistance? (this one needs to be tweaked, but the idea behind it is valid. When you are unemployed, you do qualify for government assistance, and why should the gov. (and your tax dollars) go to help someone when the companies are making so much money?)
Every time a publisher sells a book, the writer gets rewarded.
Why shouldn't every time Hollywood company makes money from the writer's work, the writer also gets rewarded?
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings!
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Heh, but Allyson, that would put together angels and Hollywood companies together. There are limits to what even the best writer can make seem believable...
Hand to god, I always thought it was an urban myth that people believed the actors made it all up themselves.
You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've heard people saying actors are funny because they've been in funny films. As in, 'yeah, let's go and see that! They've a funny guy!'.
As in, 'yeah, let's go and see that! They've a funny guy!'.
In all fairness to those people (and the actors), delivery is pretty important too.
I completely agree, Jon B. Acting is difficult, as it's very very easy to suck at it. Like writing. That's why I'm always supportive of writers.
That's why I'm always supportive of writers.
As am I. But you were making fun of audience members who credit actors. I pointed out that those audience members aren't entirely wrong. That's all. No biggie.
Well, more specially I'm making fun of audience members who think actors are writers, when not all are. Although I wasn't clear about that.
Actor's aren't writers - they're cattle.
t /Alfred Hitchcock
I'm trying to think of a comedic actor I know who's not also funny in their own right, and I can't. Now, I'm not in any way saying they could write a script or even a standup routine, but they know how to be funny, and that's important.
Had a friend in college who was a marvellous comedic idea guy--the standups would crack up in the back of the room for his entire set, but the audience just looked at him blankly. Had no idea how to be funny, although his writing was hysterical. I often wonder where he is now.