If there's a beagle rescue group in the area, they can swoop in, swoop up all 16 and have foster homes for them until they can be placed. Foster groups are the best. Forster groups on the other hand, I have no knowledge of, though I typed it five times.
Local fen have been trying to locate one--and adopting individually. That is a lot of pups though.
OMG we might be getting a beagle! squee!flail
I was at a Firefly convention in London this weekend.
Tim Minear, Genius: [link]
Drive being screened: [link]
I never heard back from the beagle guy so I hope this means all the puppies have found homes.
edit: oh I hope that whole thing wasn't just a phishing expedition. I sent my inquiry regarding the beagles from my regular email address, not the one I usually send from for potentially insecure situations. I just noticed I have 85 new messages in my SPAM folder. Since I opened that account I've never had more than two.
And it looks like the entire broadcast audience turned up for it, Kevin.
Because I love Tim very much, I dedicated a book to him and wrote a story in which he is immortalized as a sexy, bright, wonderful person.
And yet...
Today there was a crossword puzzle clue about Appamatox and I had a little pang knowing that there will be no more Drive.
And it looks like the entire broadcast audience turned up for it, Kevin.
My original caption on that photo said just that, word for word. And then I decided it might sound a bit mean, so removed it.
In fairness, by the end of the second episode about 50 people had turned up. Although they started to leave as that rocket went into the air.
Have our buffista public school teachers registered projects with donors choose? 'Cause they totally should. I don't qualify because I only work with one public school and I'm not employed by them.
K's proposal just got approved! if you want to support at donorschoose.org
That's a very cool system.