Have our buffista public school teachers registered projects with donors choose? 'Cause they totally should. I don't qualify because I only work with one public school and I'm not employed by them.
K's proposal just got approved! if you want to support at donorschoose.org
That's a very cool system.
Yay! Lemme see, I think I still have my free $30 donor certificate from livejournal...
Yup, I do!
eta: That's awesome! All I had to do was email donorschoose@sixapart.com and ask for it, and they sent me the gift code, and I entered it and yay for K!
Oh, I still have mine to use, too... of I go to K's link.
Yay, glad to see it made Sars' list.
Can I hijack this thread to talk about the WGA strike?
Go for it, Tom, I say. I'm wondering how it'll effect a lot of stuff.