Well, Miracle Man's pilot won't shoot for a while I figure.
Of course, I have absolutely no frickin' clue if he'd even be wanted, or desired. Speculation for the nation. Nathan is a talent -- a far bigger one than people realise, IMHO -- and could nail something as described, though, assuming he isn't 3 decades too young.
That's not a regular gig, though, is it? Just a recurring role or something like that?
I hear Fillion's on a rolling contract at ABC. He might like playin' preachers.
It would be like reprising that role he played in the beagle episode of Buffy that Tim wrote.
The Beagle Killer? I had wiped that episode from my mind. It was sick shit.
It's my favorite episode! I love the part where the beagle uses the salad shooter on the cilantro.
Gah! That was degrading to beagles!
Gawd, then we had those awful Beaglettes threatening to send thousands upon thousands of stuffed beagles to Tim.
I'm just stoked that Tim gets to create god.
I need to withdraw from the handwringing at Whedonesque, where I constantly feel the need to say, "I am sure Tim will be fine. I'm sure Tim won't be writing Touched by an Angel. I am sure that Tim doesn't think that Christians/Jews/Buddhists/Muslims own god and all known subsidiaries thereof. I am sure that Tim won't preach morals at you. I am sure that the fox network is not the fox studio. I am sure that the sky is not falling."
Because? Fandom, it handwrings.
Tim, are you writing this show for me?
ha! One of my first thoughts when I read the premise was "Cindy is going to FLIP OUT!"