Don't blame you a damn bit for being pissed, Tim, even just knowing what we do.
Miffed, myself, but because I'm a big ol' geek and hate a) turning on cookies and b) downloading proprietary software with questionable terms. But I guess that's tough for me, 'cause I gotta have my Drive. My Kristen's Drive!
Zenkitty, I've never had a contract with Fox. My deal is with 20th, and it's still in place. This means while I'm with the studio, it's possible that I'd maybe consult on one of their shows, which could be on any network, including Fox, while I'm developing my own stuff for NBC. Er. Some other network.
Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
while I'm developing my own stuff for NBC. Er. Some other network.
raises eyebrow and sits chin on hands...
Do tell.....
waits impatiently....
I misunderstood, Tim; thanks for clarifying.
Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
Oh yeah. Been looking forward to it.
I'm going to have to
borrow someone's computer so that I can see the episodes of Drive. I still can't figure out why my computer won't recognize that it is connected to speakers.
Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
Hell yeah. Both my friends who've seen it loved it and are positive I'll love it too.
Don't cross the streams!
Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
The previews for it look great. It's definitely one of the top shows I am looking forward to seeing in the Fall.
Looks like John Trimble is off cavorting with zombies.
Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
No worries, the promo I saw for it at the movies would have sucked me in even if I didn't know who Lee Pace and Bryan Fuller are.
Alas, my laptop is so RAM-deficient that I'll have to wait until I can stay late after work to watch the Drive stream. But my Big Boss is in town this week, so I can stay to watch Kristen's name in the credits AND give the impression that I'm being a productive worker bee after hours.