Also? "Pushing Daisies," Fuller's new show for ABC is HOT STUFF! Don't miss it.
No worries, the promo I saw for it at the movies would have sucked me in even if I didn't know who Lee Pace and Bryan Fuller are.
Alas, my laptop is so RAM-deficient that I'll have to wait until I can stay late after work to watch the Drive stream. But my Big Boss is in town this week, so I can stay to watch Kristen's name in the credits AND give the impression that I'm being a productive worker bee after hours.
don't wait too long. God knows how long Fox will keep the eps up.
gah, so good! I really enjoyed all the partner-swapping and jumping around and getting to see the differen characters crossing paths, joining up, parting ways, and just overall getting a nice mix-up of different dynamics and how fluid and impermanent a lot of it was. Which made things just that much more interesting and suprising and fun.
Really really liked Rearview. Kudos, Kristen! Loved the structure and the escalating reveals.
R.I.P. Drive *sniffles*
Thanks for the screen cap. It made me smile.
You do indeed rock! Whee, scripts!
This is gonna sound dorky, but I always feel all Hollywood Hoity Toity Muckety Muck when I'm reading a script.
Holy boy that script for episode five was gripping! Almost as good as the real thing. I wish I didn't have to leave these characters I'm so invested in. I'm torn over quick finding out what happens next or slowly savoring my last Drive surprises.
Question: what's the difference between black text and red text?
gah, so good! I really enjoyed all the partner-swapping and jumping around and getting to see the differen characters crossing paths, joining up, parting ways, and just overall getting a nice mix-up of different dynamics and how fluid and impermanent a lot of it was. Which made things just that much more interesting and suprising and fun.
Yes! Like...basically, dammit, this show is fun, and you never know what crazy thing is going to happen next. And every episode is different in its own way; the mixes of characters mean there's always a story to go to where something new is happening.
Also, fuck Alex Tully. I want John and Violet to win. Awwwwwww.