In my dream last night there was a rash of new posts in this thread. No real news, but Tim posted about something he was doing. I don't remember the details of what it was because I was too disturbed that he *wink* ed in the post.
and how sad to dream about reading the internet.
Better than dreaming about your favorite uncle managing a restaurant that feeds customers to Lovecraftean patrons. I have no idea where that one came from.
Best not think too hard about that one, Matt.
Well, I suppose the move is good, except it's farther away and I was really looking forward to it. Also, the 4th is at least an easy day to remember, and our fireworks and stuff are the evening of the 3rd (because we have to do them so late, so they end up being the first of the 4th), so the evening of the 4th is actually pretty free, especially with it falling on a Wednesday. Work the next day. Bah.
This is the Allyson Beatrice thread. Right?
that is so fuckin' cool!! Allyson, we knew ye when...
So awesome! Allyson! Woo! I'm so happy for your well deserved success. Very excited for the glowing review links to be appearing soon.
Tamara, wasn't in thread with you a couple days ago, but I hope you could feel the vibes because they were headed your way.
Thanks, Laura. I have one more interview with the CFO on Thursday so if you have a few more vibes I would really appreciate it.