So awesome! Allyson! Woo! I'm so happy for your well deserved success. Very excited for the glowing review links to be appearing soon.
Tamara, wasn't in thread with you a couple days ago, but I hope you could feel the vibes because they were headed your way.
Thanks, Laura. I have one more interview with the CFO on Thursday so if you have a few more vibes I would really appreciate it.
Scroll down to the comment from Allyson's mom. Priceless!
Awww, not surprised that Allyson's mom is so cute!
Interview with Nathan Fillion, in which he gives Tim (and Alex Tully) some big love: [link]
(xposted with
because he also gives Mal some big love)
None surprise of the year: FOX have removed references to Drive's finale episodes airing from their Drive website ( [link] )
It's still listed on the schedule, but I suspect it'll disappear on Monday. Although hopefully I'm wrong.
The hell? Are they not even giving them to us next Friday, now?
Well, there's nothing official, but the fact FOX's web team have been in and erased references to the final 2 episodes airing suggests it's been pulled. They usually swap schedules around on Monday, although they might do it later to avoid getting toy cars sent to them. Or something.