Which is why I mentioned I might have to recast him with Shatner, joe.
Yeah, I know. Since there weren't any snerks in response I thought maybe the joke went unappreciated. Just pimping your joke for non-John Ford/Star Trek fans. Not that there are any of those.
I'm planning on getting my Wire-obsessed family to watch by telling them about how Brianna Barksdale is in it.
Since there weren't any snerks in response I thought maybe the joke went unappreciated.
It's hard to make a joke about a guy in a giant space wheelchair. (Yes, I know that wasn't Jeffrey Hunter.)
I hate John Ford.
That's like saying you hate America!
Here's a reason you should like John Ford: He dressed John Wayne down on the set for spewing a bunch of military hawkishness by pointing out Wayne had completely ducked service in WWII. In short, he called the Duke a big hypocritical wuss.
Who will host my separated at birth images?
I'm out of town for a day -- a day -- and he's already looking for love elsewhere?
Of course, I myself am a replacement, so well...
I just thought it would be in bad taste to have one of my stars with separated at birth pics on timminear.net.
Ahhhh. OK. As long as I have not been forgotten, I am placated. Which I'm sure is a relief.
Perhaps we need an underground site. "INeverWroteforBuffy.com"?
Hm. Now he's not paying enough attention to Monique, too.
I think someone should check and see if he's fed the puppers in the last few days, just in case it's spreading.
Seriously, Kristen, where's the Patrick Swayze thing? I'm having just an awful day. Awful. It would cheer me.