Flail. Stammer. Flail.
This! Eeeeee! Nathan Fillion AND Amy Acker? I'm already in love with this show.
I was literally struck speechless for a moment or two. Which is kinda rare for me. As those of you who know me in person know, and those who know my pixels can probably guess, speechless is not my natural state.
joins with the ::Flail. Stammer. Flail.:: and adds a ::Guh.::
Guh, and squee, and EEEEE!
Dude. A Tim show, alone, all by its lonesome, would be squee-worthy. A Tim show where Tim's hired another Buffista for the writing staff, complete with office and parking space -- double plus squee. But with each new casting announcement, it's getting more and more ridiculous. I don't know if I can believe in TV's hit Drive anymore. It's a total televisual Mary Sue.
But with each new casting announcement, it's getting more and more ridiculous. I don't know if I can believe in TV's hit Drive anymore. It's a total televisual Mary Sue.
But wait! There's more! What if I were to tell you there'll be an episode titled Out of Gas that starts with NF falling into frame? How much would you pay then?
Oh my God, joe boucher, I didn't stop to think how hilarious it would be for TV's hit
to have an episode called "Out of Gas."
I'm not getting the "out of Gas" joke but Kathryn is how my family spells it too.
Laga, have you not seen
? Tim wrote an episode called "Out of Gas" that was all non-linear and flashback-heavy and generally awesome.
Yes I know the episode but I think I'm missing some deeper joke. Maybe I need some more caffeine.
Oh, there's no deeper joke. Just that cars run on gas. And thus can actually
out of gas. It's funny to me. At least.
oh goodness that was staring me right in the face wasn't it? Drive, Out of Gas, no more driving, duh.