Go you, Allyson!
I just (finally, I'm a slacker Allyson!Fan, I know) read "Save Firefly." That's some damned fine writing, lady. (And no, I will never ever stop kicking myself for not going to the premiere with you all. Ever. Life trauma or no life trauma.)
It's made more funny by the fact there was a debate here a few months ago, if anybody remembers it, about which character in Drive would have a Myspace, and people said Violet. Emma has a Myspace and is a big user of it.
It's so excellent when English teachers tell me the writing is good!
You get an A+. And a gold star.
Allyson, Told yah it was good. I will request it at the library (as well as buy it)
I babbled at her, and she babbled back, and was lovely about it. She's funny.
I took part in the babble-fest and I concur. Don't kill her, Tim.
If Tim kills Violet I'll never watch Drive again!!1!!1!One!
Or something.
Maybe her ghost will come back to dispense fashion advice.
Okay, pretend I don't already love Tim, Kristen, and Nathan.
Convince me to watch TV's hit,