OK, now, remember, I'm me, and not other people, even though I do sorta do stuff for other people's sites, but I did want to address something I've seen on my trips around the Web:
I've seen worried discussions about how TV's hit Drive will do on Thursdays. Keep in mind: That date was initially suggested in a dated press release that has since been proven false. While a confirmed airtime hasn't been set, as far as I know, I just wanted to point out that worrying about Thursdays may be for naught.
So if you see anyone fretting about its chances versus Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy or any of the other Thursday shows, you can give them something sorta like peace of mind!
What in tarnation do you like?
Tarnation. I'm totally down with tarnation.
A friend of mine regularly has "come to Jesus meetings" with her husband. (The fun part is they're Jewish.)
Monique - I can see where you are coming from, and I'm guilty of it myself as I got involved in a discussion about it today, and didn't mention the day of air isn't set yet.
I will say I hope they don't use Thursday in April. It's insanely crowded for a new show.
I really don't think it's going to be Thursday. Or Friday. That's an old press release.
John says it doesn't get delivered until March 27th. Premiere second week in April.
I need a nap.
Good stuff, Tim.
After 24 is the best suggestion I've seen.
Monique - I can see where you are coming from, and I'm guilty of it myself as I got involved in a discussion about it today, and didn't mention the day of air isn't set yet.
I've seen the discussion in a few places, and just thought people were getting ahead of themselves with the worry. And I want nothin' but lovin' vibes about this, man.
The doomsayers and the Death Dealers gotta go somewhere else, because this is TV's hit Drive, and (provided my cable company returns Fox to me) I'm ready for five or six or 10 seasons' worth of fun from Tim, Kristen and the newly shorn Nathan ... should Tim not kill his character off tragically, of course.
Well, technically Tim's due a hit. Something gotta stick at some point. That's the logic I'm using. I'll be interested to see if members of the entertainment press start interviews with "Well, when will this get cancelled?" like fellow fans are, though.
Well, technically Tim's due a hit. Something gotta stick at some point. That's the logic I'm using.
My logic is that the show seems to have more elements of a mainstream hit and fewer off-putting quirky differences. Everyone likes cars, and conspiracies are way cool (although
didn't fare well...), and it's action-packed and whatnot. I just feel like it has the best chance of connecting with a larger audience out of all of Tim's shows.