That was my suggestion, lisah. I read Jenna Fischer's MySpace blog through RSS syndication. But then people who actually read Fillion's blog mentioned that it's mostly locked down to people listed as friends, so it seems like it wasn't a very useful suggestion.
I also poked around a very little to see if anyone had set up a feed of Fillion's blog and couldn't find anything.
Nathan's blog does have an RSS feed set up at LiveJournal. The ID is mr_tightpants. Because apparently he'll never be able to move beyond his Firefly role.
I thought people got carried away by Joss's comment at Whedonesque, because it really could have been a stray comment. It wasn't exactly hard confirmation.
Have a link? I heard he confirmed it, but I haven't seen. So will his entire episode be a oner?
But I've since read that the studio has confirmed it.
...Or have they? I don't want to perpetuate any 'splodey heads.
The studio is only responsible for making the show, Cindy. You can't expect them to know
making it.
I swear to god, I almost tried variations of tightpants, but then I thought, "No, that's silly."
Thanks, Monique!
I read Jenna Fischer's MySpace blog through RSS syndication.
okay. now what's her lj id? Because I loved the little posts she did last year for tvguide. she's just lovely!
Apropos 'whore in church' -- I just had to explain the text and subtext of 'come to Jesus meeting' to a Buddhist co-worker. So embarrassing.
Would it be embarassing for you to explain it to my non-Buddhist self? I seem to be missing something.