Nathan worked and is friendly with James Gunn and Jenna Fischer. They have pages at MySpace, and encouraged him to join. There were a lot of impersonators on MySpace, and by adding his own account (and having James Gunn confirm it really was Nathan), it pulled the rug out from under the impersonators' feet.
MySpace is essentially Buffistas, is the Bronze, is LJ. It is what you make it.
I don't like the interface much and don't like the looks of it. I don't like all the spam, and pronishness of it, but not only can you control who you add as a friend, you can control who adds you as a friend. You don't have to have a cleavage shot for your user picture. You can not add music, or set up your own music so it doesn't auto-play.
I'm pretty sure you can set up your profile so you don't automatically hear someone else's music, unless you choose to. You can set up your profile so people can't leave you HTML comments (which does away with a lot of the garbage).
I prefer regular blogging platforms, but I can see why it might be intimidating to set one up, particularly for someone who doesn't spend a lot of time online.
I joined MySpace so I could check in on my daughter's roller derby league. Other than that, I don't use it much. I don't blog on it, it's just kinda there.
Indeed, I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know, and there's an option so you don't get messages from people who aren't on your friend list. I have no music, fancy background and all that raz on it. I find it useful to keep up to date with friends with little effort, as it mails me when they blog (if I'm tracking their blog), and their photos and such are all in the same area. I don't use it to blog, and I don't have a blog anyway as the most interesting thing I've acheived in the last month is cutting my toenails.
I'm on myspace for firefly and my political stuff.
Haven't done much with it, but I've been considering crossposting some of my political blogging simply because it does have such a high profile.
I got an account purely because of Jenna Fischer's blog entries. She's adorable. There was a move to step up the VM fandom's presence on the 'net, so I added the cw's "character" pages, but I never really went anywhere with that. I just like to be able to see Jenna's pictures.
Jenna's a really nice person, at least from what I've seen online -- and she wins mega!bonus for being interesting and quite unusual (unconventional?) at times. Yeah, Joss Whedon's upcoming The Office episode best be good.
I'm so excited to find out that one is true, Kevin! I thought people got carried away by Joss's comment at Whedonesque, because it really could have been a stray comment. It wasn't exactly hard confirmation. But I've since read that the studio has confirmed it.
...Or have they? I don't want to perpetuate any 'splodey heads.
Sorry for the techtardedness, I can't remember the correct terminology, but did somebody mention some way of getting the Fillion myspace blog posts as an RSS feed or somesuch. So I can see the posts in my lj friendslist w/out opening myspace? How does that work?
That was my suggestion, lisah. I read Jenna Fischer's MySpace blog through RSS syndication. But then people who actually read Fillion's blog mentioned that it's mostly locked down to people listed as friends, so it seems like it wasn't a very useful suggestion.
I also poked around a very little to see if anyone had set up a feed of Fillion's blog and couldn't find anything.
Nathan's blog does have an RSS feed set up at LiveJournal. The ID is mr_tightpants. Because apparently he'll never be able to move beyond his Firefly role.