Oh hey! They have a Chevy Impala!
We had a '65 Impala all during my growing up days. That thing lasted forever, and indeed, that is the car we drove cross country in. (The back seat footwells were perfectly sized for a little kid to sleep in. I loved it being curled up like a gerbil down there with a pillow and a blanket, warm from the engine, and listening to the murmur of my parents voices up front.)
It didn't look like that Hot Wheel though.
have a horn that played the "See the U-S-A / In Your Chevrolet..." theme though. (It had been a showroom demo car.)
And a Lincoln Navigator!
Ima have a hella time finding a Ford Taurus, though.
Mebbe you could write them a note for me? "Dear cable company and Fox affiliate: Stop being buttheads. Monique has sites she'll need to update."
A note won't do it. Fox affiliates and cable companies have like blackbelts in being buttheads. We're gonna need 12 sticks of dynamite, 3 graham crackers, some chocolate and marshmellows.
La Revolution comes complete with Smores?
Absolutely. I suggest a road trip but mine always seem to end up with me in Milan, Ohio. I don't think Thomas Edison's house can take it.
Would we be required to road trip in a Ford Taurus, Chevy Impala or Lincoln Navigator? Maybe with a sign on the side promoting TV's hit Drive?
I don't think we have a Lincoln Navigator. We have a Land Rover, no?
Do Land Rovers road trip? I always thought of them on safari or on some English estate.
I think I have version 3,269,875 of the pilot script here. This is the version where they all race into a town populated by zombies infected with a rage virus or something.
I just checked and, in the most recent draft, it's a Land Rover.