You realize linking me to that site will probably result in me discovering yet another bizarro thing to freak out over and then share?
YES! It's fabulous.
Twins have also been known to kiss each other in utero. Twincest has never been quite so disturbing as that.
My friend who had a boy always said the wierdest part of pregnancy for her was the occasional realization that there was a penis in her uterus.
Makes me hope I continue having girls.
Like this one, sarameg?
It’s estimated that for every 400 sets of fraternal twins, one set is made up of twins who will have different fathers.
Okay, for the record:
Think coveralls with wee toolbelt and construction helmet. Or Indian headdress.
I am NOT registering for any of that!
Oh man, twins sound like so much fun! I'ma have to have my singlet cloned or something.
Twins have also been known to kiss each other in utero. Twincest has never been quite so disturbing as that.
Well, except for this, which sends me to a House of Yes place.]
One that says Open Apple-C and one that says Open Apple-V
Ok, that's funny as hell.
But aren't they in two separate little water balloons? So they can reach out to sock each other in the mouth, but never quite touch.
Sort of like that movie Ladyhawke with Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfieffer, but neither of them will spontaneously turn into a wolf.
My friend who had a boy always said the wierdest part of pregnancy for her was the occasional realization that there was a penis in her uterus.
Honestly, that one pales behind the realization that there's a *person* inside you. It's bizarre being concentric.
The good part is that they rarely burst out through your chest.
So you say now.
With twins, aren't they delivered by extraction from the ventral area?
How much am I loving this conversation?
I am laffing laffing at these:
Lori has been saying that with twins we are single-fault tolerant and one is a flight hardware and the other is flight-spare.
One that says Open Apple-C and one that says Open Apple-V (but with icons not the words).
Oddly, that one doesn't tweak me much- litters of kittens! (though had I been asked to guess the odds for people, I would've had no idea.)
I think my agogness over the concept of a
disposable organ
set the tolerance really high. I'm still not over that.