I wish I had Allyson's nephew's cookies. No wait, I don't, that would be like taking candy from a baby.
But my mom sent me cookies! So, nyah! Packed in popcorn, which the SO & the Biscuit have been enjoying, so they arrived perfect and beautiful and intact from Hawaii.
Okay, so, just hear me out.
Picture this:
A long, barren highway. Tumbleweeds. Bleached cow skulls, ala Georgia O'Keefe line the baked asphalt.
Violet is in the backseat of her dad's car. She should be bored. She should be climbing up the back window looking for escape. Her iPod is dead. Her dad is boringly discussing string theory with himself.
But Violet is not bored. No, she's completely engrossed in a copy of Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby? by me. She's entertained. She chuckles to herself. Awesome.
You should call me. I have amusement to share.
I have no cookies. But I do have a brownie and get to watch Fargo, followed by The Ref. Oddly enough, these two movie selections are airing on WE, in between two Danielle Steele movies.
Huh. Maybe its a celebration of dysfunctional families?
I'm watching The Last House On the Left.
Maybe its a celebration of dysfunctional families?
Excellent point. In the spirit of the holidays and all.
That's festive. On TV or DVD? Wes Craven's commentary is kind of amusing, as I recall.
I just discovered that Clint Eastwood is going to be AMC's Sunday Morning Shootout on Xmas Eve, as a special gift to my mother.
Happy Birthday, Strega!
I fell asleep, last night, watching The Ref. This makes me sad but well rested.
Kristen, how's the new job going? Is it what you expected?