Me. I have UTorrent, but I have yet to use it.
Part of the reason is that I want to ahem stuff to the laptop, which has the dvd burner, in case I want to preserve stuff, at least until the commercial version is available. Meanwhile, the laptop's having battery and overheating problems and I need to get that seen to before I attempt to ahem anything I actually want to be able to watch, later on.
It makes a sort of sense in my head.
I don't need to ahem anything except my xmas list to Tim.
Dear Tim,
Please pay my rent and all my bills so I can stay here with my nephew for a whole month. Also, please tell my boss I have mono or something. And send me my cat.
And also a gift certificate for a facial because the cold weather has ruined my skin. RUINED.
Also, also, I would really like a pair of ruby earrings, a lifetime of free iTunes, and a latte.
In leiu of the above, I'll take a set tour, a cup of hot chocolate from the craft services table, and a big Tim-erific hug when I get back.
Ta, ever so,
Oh, and let me park in Kristen's space when I come visit. Because, FUNNY!
Note to self: Cancel all of Allyson's presents.
An official Red Ryder carbine action two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time?
I'm going to bed.
grumble grumble
You'll shoot your eye out.
Frahjeely! It must be from France!
Ha! I was just getting ready to post on DH's (reading over my shoulder) behalf, "Send her the leg lamp."
We were just watching it this morning.