At the moment, I'm (along with somebody else)
Production news, scheduling news, episode guide with writer/director/cast/music info, screen cap gallery per episode, a Google Earth style map of the race to plot the path with episodes, a character study type thing which gives an updated history of each character as each episode airs, a character link graph to show how characters intercet, a mythology page to deal with The Race and possibly some kind of news and discussion podcast (once a month, or something).
A Drivewiki'll cover at least half of that.
A Drivewiki sounds like an awesome idea as it means people can add content and I don't have to do it all (and mess it all up). Instead, other people can mess it up for me!
I certainly think it needs to be a user driven (pun not intended) site as keeping on top of that sort of thing is Not Easy, although I'm a massive control freak so I'd worry about the validity of it. Although, let's face it, I get things wrong... like... A lot.
On a more interesting note, I just noticed somebody has made a nice package online with all The Inside episodes in it. I may buy - well, download - that for Xmas and watch again.
I've been trying to ahem that one for like a week now, and it's like trying to swim through glue. If I'm lucky, I might be able to start watching by New Years. Woe for lack of officially purchasable DVDs!
I was thinking, if I put the eps on DVDs and we got them distributed to peeps here we could have a watch and post on the remaining episodes. But I don't know how many people never actually saw them, I presume it's not many people.
Marvelous idea, Kevin. Let me put myself first in line. I've seen some, but not all, and aheming is not a feasible option with my crappy setup at home. I'll even get authorized DVDs when and if they become available.
I haven't seen any of the unaired episodes, because I am a total newbie when it comes to aheming.
eta to make myself look slightly less like a dork
I'm with Ailleann. (Also, I'm on dial-up which makes ahemming particularly problematic.)
Count me in. I tried ahemming, bit couldn't get them all. I will absolutely buy the DVDs if the frigging PTB ever release them.
Likewise. Like Ailleann, I'm a total newbie when it comes to aheming. (I wonder how many of us there are? It makes me feel like I'm less alone, as if I have company as I creep out of the shadows and into the techno-sunshine.)