Things mostly just an auditioning actor like anybody else. Except he didn't audition for Voodoo Moon or The Crow 4 this year.
Yes. Thing. Somebody sign, already.
Anyway, I'll be glad when they're on a Tim project, because Tim projects don't tend to suck.
One thing I will say - didn't they have a talent deal with Fox for a comedy pilot? I presume that didn't get made? Or has Drive been rebranded a comedy show? I gotta have faith.
Well, I don't have a clue who it is being hinted about, so when Tim makes his big official announcement, I for one will be genuinely surprised. We'll have to wait to see if I'm pleased or not.
It's the man who played the japanase bloke in the Fruity Oaty Bar commercial playing the new lead in Drive, evil jimi. He was at Flan B. (No, really) (About the Flan B thing).
ETA: Also, the topic on Whedonesque about Tim being hawt is lovely.
Ah, see now, my thoughts went to Bronze things (things of Bronze).
Me too.Whenever I hear the name, I immediately think of the sentence "Where are my pants?"
I caught some of "Epiphany" this morning while I was getting ready for work. Lindsey's so funny.
Fillion on Drive is on the front page of Ain't It Cool and Whedonesque. Woops.
Does anybody see this being a problem? If it is AICN and Whedonesque would probably pull the story.
I don't see a problem. Wonder if it's true? Gosh, that'd be super neat.
Wouldn't it be peachy keen?
Ha. Golly.
(eta actual content) You know, I dunno. You might want to go with someone more...proven.
Also, whoot!
Peachier, cherrier, grapier, any fruitier you can think of. How long 'til we get to see Drive on the screen? Can I have it for a Christmas present?