Initial reaction on the revamping: not so keen. Because I wanted to see a Nick and Ivan reunion.
But yeah, the new cast might be just as good so I can't put my heart into being bitter about this. Right now just happy we got the show to watch. Soonish. In a few months. Now I'm bitter.
6 months, assuming all goes to plan.
Didn't The Inside go through several cast changes?
Damnit. I just reminded myself of Danny and Mel. I loved them.
I'm slightly disappointed that there won't be a Once a Thief reunion, but there are many actors I like better than Lea and Segei and Tim has employed more than a few of them in the past. K Callan and Alan Ruck are my big "there better be a good reason if I'm not seeing them on my TV!" cast members.
I would not object to seeing Tyron Leitso in more steady work than his upcoming Masters of Horror segment.
I would not object to seeing Tyron Leitso in more steady work than his upcoming Masters of Horror segment.
Ooh! I didn't know about that. Though, if IMDB is right, it already aired. Maybe I'll see if it's in the On Demand offerings; I'm in the mood to veg tonight.
ETA: Ah, looks like IMDB is wrong.
It's episode 9, "Valerie on the Stairs," set to air sometime in mid-December. It's an original story by Clive Barker written specifically for the series, though what I've been able to glean from behind-the-scenes interviews doesn't fill me with optimism about its brilliance.
Still, there aren't many descriptions that could more solidly ensure me watching than "erotic horror, starring Tyron Leitso as the protagonist."
Drive's made it to USAToday's coming attractions section.