I would not object to seeing Tyron Leitso in more steady work than his upcoming Masters of Horror segment.
Ooh! I didn't know about that. Though, if IMDB is right, it already aired. Maybe I'll see if it's in the On Demand offerings; I'm in the mood to veg tonight.
ETA: Ah, looks like IMDB is wrong.
It's episode 9, "Valerie on the Stairs," set to air sometime in mid-December. It's an original story by Clive Barker written specifically for the series, though what I've been able to glean from behind-the-scenes interviews doesn't fill me with optimism about its brilliance.
Still, there aren't many descriptions that could more solidly ensure me watching than "erotic horror, starring Tyron Leitso as the protagonist."
Drive's made it to USAToday's coming attractions section.
"Like I always say, there's no 'I' in team. There's a 'me' though, if you jumble it up." - House
Holy shit, dude! House totally stole that from me. Seriously, I said this back in junior high or something.
First time I heard that, P-C, I doubt you'd been born yet.
Just wanted to mention that The Inside is currently showing in Sweden and is all the rage among the kids. Well, three of the five kids I talked to, anyway.
So, we know The Inside made it to the UK, Israel and Sweden now. Huzzah.
...And Brazil...? I think they may have got it before the UK did.
So, basically, the whole world has seen all the episodes except the US.