Wowsa. Talk about eye candy. BB has always been gorgeous, but I think he's perhaps even more attractive now. A bit more rugged, a bit less pretty boy. Not that I have anything against pretty boy.
(I know, I know. But something in me is broken so instead of appreciating eye candy I just think, did he fall down?)
I'm with you on this one.
I think Brian Bloom has gotten consistently hotter over the years. I am not sure how that is possible though.
Didn't see a [link] to this, so here's one.
*** Announcement ***
I'm re-posting this here (and elsewhere -- sorry if you see it multiple times) from the Sunnydale Press thread (handily linked on the front page, your Message Center, etc.), since I think maybe folks who hang out around here don't necessarily read that thread regularly.
First of all, I really want to thank everyone -- regular posters and lurkers alike! -- who has contributed to the running of this board over the years. However, I need to ask everyone again to consider making a gift to the board. Our funds are running low, and we are the only people who can change that.
If just 10% of registered users gave just $10, we'd have enough money to run for over a year. If you've sent me money recently, THANK YOU. If you've never contributed before, please think about throwing in a couple of bucks.
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Thanks, y'all. We can make this work!
Fox is promoting that someone will die in the next episode of Standoff, on Oct 31.
That was quick.
Excellent! Let's start the betting pool now!
Hee. Go, Tim Bloodbath Minear.
Head tactical guy. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking. I can't stand that character.
He is a little on the stereotypical side. I mean, I know there's traditionally tactical/negotatior issues but I wish he had something more than just that going for him. I mean, make him sing showtunes or something.
I'm pretty sure that this was written before Tim started working on the show. (At least, I would hope so. I know they said they were behind but...wowza.) But I'm still looking forward to seeing the who/how/why of the death. Hopefully, the first of many.