I'm going to be the lone voice of dissent. I like
Dilana. I like her voice and she's usually a good performer. Lukas? I think he could be okay in a different band, but SN is not a good fit for him. Just like wee Josh. I really dig his voice, but he is so not a match for SN and he knew that, too. Said as much when he got knocked off the show.
I'm not sure if I like Storm. I like her voice, but her performances bug me for some reason I can't really define. She feels like she's being all acty.
There. I said it. You may go mock me now.
I like Dilana as a performer, I just think
she sucked last night. Others have fallen into the bottom three and really out-done themselves and that didn't happen with her.
For whatever reason.
Pick up the damn show, already. I need good news. Or notes. I could use some notes. But i'll take a Drive pickup as well.
Pick up the damn show, already.
Is there a date that they HAVE to make a decision by? I'm finding this whole pilot process confuzzling, at least in terms of when they make their picks (well - the picks themselves are often confuzzling too, just in a different way).
I think if they want it for January, it has to be picked up, um, let's see...NOW.
Reassure me here - is it an unspoken, almost definite thing that they're picking it up... Cos the wait is beginning to unnerve me.
Also - if it was aired in January, would that mean a 22 episode run without interruptions or 13?
Who, me? I'm terrible at reassurance.
RS -
ok, I like all I saw
LUCAS that mumbly ass.
Well, I really thought that
this was Lukas' least mumbly performance EVER. And I loved Storm's performance and that Dave
got up and
played guitar for her. I liked Toby's
original better than
his cover. . .
and found
Magni boring. And although Dilana's original didn't suck as much as
I thought it would,
it was still the worst one of the night. Her version of BBE wasn't bad -- and I loved that she couldn't stand to just sit and got up and hopped on one leg through her set.
I didn't hate her performance of BBE until she started to do the self-referential eyerolling. Then I wanted to sweep her good leg out from under her. The original was okay. A million times better than The Thong Song or CTRL ALT DEL.
I like Magni as a person. He bores me as a performer. Also, there was this one riff in his original that kept making me expect to hear the song turn into Jackson Browne's Running on Empty.
Love love love. Love her. Love PPoD. Love the cover. Love the original. Must get my hands on the non-sanitized for network television version of this song. What the fuck is ladylike, indeed. Stay one more week, Storm, and then launch a tour so I can come see you live!
Eh. I'm weary of his schtick.
He's not my favorite but he is quite the showman. Plus he used "oh ohs" in his original and, clearly, SuperSuckAss loves that kind of shit. I think this could be his to lose. I kinda feel sorry for him.
I also think that, given Marty's amazing electric (but acoustic!) performance of Mr. Brightside last year, Toby's performance of that song was doomed to suck by comparison.
I did find it interesting that they only showed
Dilana, Lukas and Toby in the clinic with SUGC. Final three?
Though they said they were doing a final four. I'm confused about how this final week is going to work.