If either of the two win who you guys are talking about, I'll be sick. IJS
The rest of them have each have ten times more talent than those two combined.
But then, maybe that makes sense and there is a diety looking out for the truly talented.
SN's originals have been godawful.
But then, maybe that makes sense and there is a diety looking out for the truly talented.
This is what I'm thinking. I mean, would you want someone you
to win Rock Star: SuperSuckass?
This is what I'm thinking. I mean, would you want someone you liked to win Rock Star: SuperSuckass?
One word: NO!
I'm crossing my fingers that Magni doesn't win.
Found another The Inside fan vid via a headsup on the Drive blog.
And speaking of Drive, how many goats do I have to sacrifice to get it picked up today?
Knowing Fox that could potentially be less work than offing a goat for each main character. Although I'm trying to be more optimistic this time around.
Okay, so if they are going to wind up with
two guys and two gals
for the finale -- who do you think
the guys
will be?
Sadly, I'm guessing
Toby and Lukas -- because they like them both so much.
From Lukas' blog entry of August 24th:
Hey wuz up. I’m glad I get to tell you guys what’s going on. We just did a photo shoot with Supernova for the album cover. Everyone did it individually with the band.
I'm going to be the lone voice of dissent. I like
Dilana. I like her voice and she's usually a good performer. Lukas? I think he could be okay in a different band, but SN is not a good fit for him. Just like wee Josh. I really dig his voice, but he is so not a match for SN and he knew that, too. Said as much when he got knocked off the show.
I'm not sure if I like Storm. I like her voice, but her performances bug me for some reason I can't really define. She feels like she's being all acty.
There. I said it. You may go mock me now.