Are you looking forward to or dreading the Black Dahlia movie?
I want to see it -- that and
Gilby - I used to like him, but not I just think he's got the most pedestrian taste EVER. Magni was just incredible last night. And so was Storm. . .but I bet she's going to wind up in the bottom three.
Ryan was completely completely cheesie - and they loved him. What is up with that?
(Because they are the Cheese.)
I want to see the Black Dahlia movie. Saw the trailer when I saw Little Miss Sunshine (which was awesome, so funny. first time I haven't been annoyed by Steve Carrell.)
I want to see it -- that and Hollywoodland.
What's that about? I caught the tail end of a commercial about it and noticed that it had Adrian Brody, who I like.
It's about the death of George Reeves, - the actor who played the TV Superman.
Warning: George Reeves as played by Ben Affleck.
I've heard good things about it, though.
It kind of feels like the role he was born to play.
Are you looking forward to or dreading the Black Dahlia movie?
I'm looking forward to it! I'm actually planning to go into a
movie theater
to see it!
My feeling on the movie (as with all other movies, documentaries, books and Hunter episodes) is that we're never going to know who really killed Elizabeth Short. It will forever remain an unsolved mystery. So I enjoy all the theories and the fiction based on the crime.
It's about the death of George Reeves, - the actor who played the TV Superman.
The person who wrote the (original) screenplay said
he was disappointed that they rewrote the script and made it much less about George Reeves and more about the Adrian Brody character. It made me less interested in seeing it.
(Because they are the Cheese.)
Indeed, they are.
Are you looking forward to or dreading the Black Dahlia movie?
It has a really cool, supernoir trailer. I like the song they use; do you know what it is?
I loves me some sad-eyed Adrien Brody and am looking forward to the movie. I also want to see the Black Dahlia movie, for the same reasons as Kristen, but I worry about the De Palma hackification of it. He never had an original idea in his life, and his films are only good if he is blatantly copying the style of paying homage to a really good director. He has great source material in the Ellroy novel and is going the noir route, so I am hoping it all works.