The forums are? That's truly bizarre. I get this message:
The TWoP forums are offline Monday, August 21 so we can move all the posts and other data to the new server setup.
The forums are scheduled to return Tuesday, August 22.
It's just the forums that are down (yet again). Recaps and extras should be working as usual.
Ah, yes, forums down. I tend not to tread on the TWoP forums as they scare me.
Snark does not scare me.
And oh! Speaking of thinks that rhyme with snark, did anyone catch our dear
Mr. Sark
last night on Deadwood?
5000 people snarking for Yahoo scares me.
By the way, I'm just watching the new series of Without A Trace (well, new to the UK) and it rocks. They just need Becky.
Kristen -- did he
have an accent of the American variety
? And if so -- was it odd to hear it coming from him? Even though I know that
his faux British accent was very very Faux.
Not Kristen, obviously, but he did and it was. Especially considering the particular type of accent the actors on Deadwood use -- very twangy & colloquial.
It was almost like seeing
turn up on Firefly, saying "ain't" a lot.
It took me a minute or two to realize who he was. (And a minute or two was about all the time he spent on my screen.)
Stargate has been axed. They just had Morena has a reoccuring guest, and made a Firefly cancellation joke in the last episode. Which is, of course, unrelated.
It took me a minute or two to realize who he was.
Who was he? I completely missed him and I watched the most recent episode two nights in a row.
Wait, was he the
soldier s(n)arking at Bullock