tries to imagine Jilli in a tailored pinstripe pants suit
What is this ...
pants suit
you speak of?
As I said in my post, I can't imagine you in jeans and a T-shirt.
I think the last time I owned jeans was in 1990, when I would wear cut-off black jeans over b&w stripy tights, with either ruffly blouses or fitted T-shirts.
I have an interview in the D.C. area on the 21st. Who wants to write the presentation they're making me give?
Aw, babe. That's a spoiler like "Xander's quippy" or "House is bitter and takes lots of pills." Which is to say...doesn't count.
Tep's guess is not the spoiler.
She should totally do that for Halloween one year. People would flip. out.
Bah. Don't wanna. Halloween is for dressing up even FANCIER. Possibly with wings or fangs.