Which reminds me, I haven't looked at GCSChool this month!
You won't find anything new there yet. Jilli's EE deadline was only a week ago and there's still regular fires to put out; she had to do some editing from home just an hour ago. New GCS is in the works, as are black t-shirts.
Y'know... in our Copious Free Time™
Bad Erin; what I read at GCS was New to Me.
So Jilli still gets a cookie. Little Clovis shaped cookies. Or possibly wee bats with sparkly little top hats.
(they are imaginary cookies, because I bake exactly 2 dozen cookies a year. At Christmas. And they are little ginger-colored lumps of pumpkin, spice and chocolate chips.)
in our Copious Free Time™
Should be used for F2F photos, thank you very much.
Should be used for F2F photos, thank you very much.
I find it surprising that you're so eager as you're the one with the MOST to worry about. IJS.
Went to post my homework and the damn thing timed out on me and I LOST IT!
::head desk head desk::
Ugh. Sorry Empress.
Still, this might be a good thing; there might come a point in the future where you've completed a far larger body of work and this event will remind you to save a copy before it fries your work.
Not much comfort, I know, but one really has to dig to find a silver lining here.
You are right, m'dear. I shold have been composing in Word instead of the thread I was in. Sigh.
gives Pete gold star and gives self dunce tiara
Pete, how are Trinian and the new kitties getting along?
Aw, but it's still
Yes. Of course it is. And "dunce" is spelled out in pink crystals.