By "extra" do you mean that they get two weeks off in February, or just a week off?
Two weeks in December - One week in February - One week in April.
Gud, lashing out isn't okay behavior in my book. It really isn't. I mean, people lose their shit and get upset, but she's so punishing and mean about it. And it's over little things and it's unkind. Really, really unkind. She doesn't treat you with respect.
It's one thing to say things when you're upset, but it has to happen in the context of a trusting relationship. She's not somebody you would trust to have your back, or could go to and be vulnerable with.
I have accepted the offer for the new job! Tomorrow I have to talk to my current boss. That won't be fun.
(no, I did not tell her about this other prospect)
Why are people ringing my doorbell today?
This? Just became my newest euphamism. Gotta appreciate a good bell ringing.
Oooh! Oooh!
"God *DAMN* I need my doorbell rung."
That could be another one.
And in totally unrelated news, two teenagers were arrested for vandalism on 6/6/06. One had painted "Hail Satin" ... which means that learning how to spell really is important (and no, he's not an aspiring fashion designer).
Congratulations on the job, Nora! may it be everything you could want!
I have accepted the offer for the new job!
Whooooooot! Go you with the mad skillz, Nora. Yay!
"God *DAMN* I need my doorbell rung."
And sadly? It rings a little too true these days.
It rings a little too true these days.
Kinda like on the Cosby Show? I always though Cliff not being able to fix that damn doorbell was a metaphor for him not being able to get Claire off.