I promised myself I would be in bed by midnight. I lied.
But in my defense, I also made my bathtub a much happier place.
There were massive strips of icky-feeling nonstick plastered all over it. And combined with the lack of depth, it was really only good for just medicinal purposes and then only in dire circumstances.
I realized tonight that I could rip those strips up and then I scrubbed the whole thing out to try and rid it of adhesive residue. Then filled it with hot water and a Waving Not Drowning. Still shallower than I would prefer but the improvement is thousandfold.
Mmmm bathtubage... It's not somewhere I can lounge for hours, but it is now a usable bath.
::sighs and smiles::
Though, looking at what happens when I am motivated to write porn, well...
The Kissinger bits or the having a baby bits? Cause the Tickybox is a fabulous result of the Teh Sex. The Kissinger? Well, we all have our odd kinks.
Yay! I'm going to have to move to the West Coast (of USA or Canada) in a few years, aren't I?
Yes. It's an unfortunate thing but you must give up exploring more interesting bits of the globe and come play on the West Coast. And bring the darling shoes please.
Off to crash into bed now. I might be getting onto a less terrifyingly nocturnal schedule. Which is good as I have a few different fiercely diurnal guests here for the next week or so and will have to be Morning Girl.
Damn I love having a bathtub that is at least marginally usable again. My old 1929s-ish deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep cast iron tub really skewed my good tubometer, I realize. But this is usable now. I loves baths.
And fire. I also really like fire. I suspect that the blues that come with the rainy seasons here might be tempered by the oooooooh fire! that also come with cooler weather.
::loves y'all::
::loves y'back::
And the A's have swept the Yankees!!! And they are back over 500 again.
Cold and rainy here, so no beach today. Ptui.
Bitches all over the world suddenly felt a little happy flutter down on them
I left that showerhead back in Californina, sadly...
I waving-not-drowninged last night too, Cass. It was good.
Way to go, Kristin!
Meanwhile...Oh. My. God.
How unspeakablty cool would this be?
(I'm busy researching tall ships for a book idea, and I just found this. And if I start saving now, I could, conceivably, do this in January. Maybe.)
Such a lovely bomb. I need to head to the store soon and restock up now that I can relax a bit in the bath. And some Black Pearls as well.
All sleepy now. Must not fall asleep on couch. Must crawl to bed. Really. Crawling now. In a minute.
OMG, Fay, that would ROCK!!!
When we lived in Malaysia we kept meaning to do this thing where you sail from Tokyo to Okinawa, on a vintage tall ship, and they teach you how to sail...but it never happened. I regret that immensely.
Has anyone tried Golden Slumbers? I am not one for overwhelming scent when llooking to relax and drift off so I am tempted...
Fay, if you need info, I have a friend who crewed on tall ships for a while. Actually the ship that played the Black Pearl in
Pirates of the Carribean.
Ping me if you are curious.
So. Freaking. Cool.
I had no idea that this kind of thing was available. None.
I think it might be even cooler (albeit much harder) to sail the ship oneself. The Tokyo-Okinawa thing sounds fabulous.
Man. New thing for my life list, BIG time.
Oh, my god, why am I still UP? It's fucking 4:17 here. I got sucked into erotica writing how-to sites, and that lead to romance writing parody sites and that lead to me still being up.
Although many of the parodies had me choking. Hee.
Hey, I think I have chocolate pund cake in the kitchen. Any food eaten at 4:20 in the morning is calorie-free, right? Cool.