Ugh, ChiKat. May the Sandman find you and drop a whole bag of sand on you. Ya know, if that's what it takes.
ETA: I'm sure you stood out as a beacon of beauty, sj, even in the dim lighting. I, for one, think you are gorgeous and will go toe to toe with any BID that dares say otherwise. Bring it on, dude!
Is anyone awake who has access to excel and could do me a quick favor?
Nebber mind, I figured it out.
Oh, thanks d, but I got it worked out. Just edited a little too slowly.
Ok! Anytime.
I'm watching the 4400. Seems a little darker than the ones I was marathoning last weekend.
Anyone around?
X post with GreatWriteWay: I need feedback on an erotic scene I've written for my book. No background really necessary -- just need to know if it "works" or if it promotes helpless peals of laughter.
Oh, it's not actually up in GWW.
Do you want to post it or email it?
Porn me!