Pretend there's a wire holding your head to the ceiling, hold your shoulders back, relax everything else, and fucking swagger like you own the fucking world. And smile kindly at everyone, like you are reassuring them that they too are wonderful people.
I think the posture and the swagger are beyond me. I'll be happy if I can manage to stay on my feet long enough to find a seat.
sj, your eyes can swagger. While you are seated in relative comfort.
Since I am already being vain and needy today, I guess I should ask,
do I
Okay doesn't even begin to describe how you look. Smokin', sexy, and stunning are much better adjectives.
Thanks, both of you! Dave just came in and looked happy to see me, so I think I'll let that kill the demons for today at least. We have to run now; have a nice evening everyone.
Sheeesh, sj. You look great!
Go and have a good time
sj, you look fabulous! I hope you have least a little.
I have conquered my math homework. Just four more weeks of this. I can totally do it.
How do people who don't have an Emily make it through math? SO glad I'm finishing this up before she moves!
One more week until this particular wave of shows ends. Right now I'm in theatre teching through a show. One more week and then I actually have some free time. So how's everyone?
So, if you run into someone (someone HOT) that you know, but haven't seen in a few months, at, say, an event like Pride, and they say "OMG, you look great, you've lost a lot of weight, right?" and you haven't really lost any, is it
(a) Good, because they think you're looking good
(b) Bad, because apparently they remember you as a big fatso