I didn't turn in my homework. Now, I'm gonna lose 3 points. So much for my perfect grades.
'Sokay, Aims. Perfection is overrated anyway. And I say this as a perfectionist. And I may be lying. But {{Aims}} anyway.
I'm hopig Angelina will say "um, no thanks, please donate that money to help Africa."
She could donate the baby to help Africa!
Now, I'm gonna lose 3 points. So much for my perfect grades.
It was going to happen sooner or later, m'love. We're none of us perfect, and perfect scores are for striving, really, not achieving in the long run. Now the pressure is off and you can just focus on learning and absorbing knowledge and doing well and kicking ass, none of which is synonomous with "perfect."
I firmly believe that sleep is more important than perfections.
Speaking of sleep, Tom and I split one of his new anti-anxiety drugs, Ativan, last night and went to sleep.
It is still raining.
t stamps foot
I wanna be perfect!! Perfect mom! Perfect wife! Perfect employee! Perfect student! Perfect, perfect, perfect!!
Ok, no I really don't. How effing boring.
if Teppy stops by, or anyone who has Ativan knowledge, any thoughts on the drug? It's to apply to anxiety as needed. a half dose knocked us both out last night (though we were pretty exhausted to begin with) so I don't know if Tom can take a dose and then drive, or what. I guess we'll play it safe until we get a better feel for how it affects him.
His dr. also called another prescription in for an every day anti-anxiety/anti-d thing, but I don't know what it is. They orginally wanted to prescribe Effexor but Tom didn't want that one. So there's a mystery drug at the pharmacy...
MY mom takes it daily for anxiety and drives...but she's also been taking it for 80 zillion years (agoraphobia). So I would wait on the driving.
Suck on your crazy diamond
Someday I'm going to write a fantasy story using drug brand-names for the characters. Cymbalta is the elven princess, Ativan is the noble woodsman. Effexor is his horse. Zoloft is the evil wizard, and Wellbutrin is the coastal city they live in. Ritalin is a young female thief and street rat, and Prozac is the crotchety old sage.
Vicodin is the Big Bad.
Celexa is the hooker with a heart of gold.
Ambien is the weird clairvoyant mageling.
And Aspirin is the young peasant boy who gets vaught up in all the crazy hijinks and turn out to be the missing heir, Aceteminopen.
grr arrg
Right now I hate my iPod.
I was trying to think of personalities for the two meds I take, but I'm boring.
Maybe they're generic stock characters? Jolly innkeeper? Henchmen? Minions of Vicodin?