Man, I can pretty much do that from memory. I could probably make a fair stab at it in German.
"Meine Damen und Herren, wilkommen in Frankfurt."
Actually, every airline does it a little differently, and it varies depending on the type of plane you are on ("This Airbus 300 is equipped with four exits; two in the front and two over the wings. Please take a moment to locate the exit nearest your seat. In some cases your nearest exit may be behind you.")
Why no, I didn't just take 10 plane trips in 2 weeks.
United, and maybe others, use a pre-recorded video. I'll see if I can find that.
Cash, that link was awesome! I just sent it to my FiL, who is a flight attendant for Alaska. I'm sure he's seen it already, but if not it will make his day...
Ha. Cash, that was great.
Thanks, Raq and Cashmere (very funny).
Suzi, the show sounds wonderful. I'm glad CJ got his limelight.
{{{Raq and Mal}}}
I bought Dave a set of those disposable cups and lids so that when he works his retail job on the weekend, he can just grab his coffee and go. I woke up today to find one of them filled with espresso on our kitchen counter this morning. The poor guy. We were up late last night because of having guests over, and I know he's exhausted. If I had any idea how to get to where he works, I would go bring him a coffee.
ION, after all the work I did cleaning up the apartment, my friends never left my kitchen last night. At least it's done, I guess. I need to tackle the bedroom today.
Poor Mal! And poor Raq what with the injured baby and the ailing dh.
It's chilly and gray today. I have ALL my windows shut and it's not even stuffy.
I've been puttering around the house. Picking stuff up - moving it to more appropriate places, tossing stuff, sweeping and also watching tennis.
I have next week off and I think puttering in a similar manner would be most useful. Already I cannot believe how much better the living room looks.
And last night in the wee hours the Cat Ivan had the major WeeHAAS and was racing around the apartment and leaping tall stacks of books and magazines in huge bounds. It was amusing. And made me glad that I don't have a downstairs neighbor.
I cannot tell you how many cat toys I've found in the course of picking stuff up and moving it around.
sj, can you mapquest where he works and surprise him? I am an always-lost person, but if I mapquest and really look over the directions before I get on the road, along with actually pulling over to double check (lame, I know) on the way, I can find most places.
sj, can you mapquest where he works and surprise him? I am an always-lost person, but if I mapquest and really look over the directions before I get on the road, along with actually pulling over to double check (lame, I know) on the way, I can find most places.
I could, but I think that I would have to go on the one highway I am not comfortable on. I know there is another way to get there, but mapquest will not give me those directions. He's probably heading to Starbucks on his lunch break right now anyway.