Gar, it sounds *really* irresponsible to me that the doctor won't approve a BMD scan in an elderly woman with diagnosed osteoporosis. If nothing else, I would think the damned doctor would want to know if your mother's bone loss has slowed/stopped, or is continuing.
I can't imagine, for instance, a cardiologist telling my dad "Oh, my treatment plan would be the same no matter how clogged your arteries are, so I won't approve an angiogram, even though you have a history of heart disease."
That's, as I think about it, seriously fucking irresponsible on the part of your mom's doctor. "MD" does NOT mean "me, deity."
Andi, as for the hot water advice - put the stem into the hot water while holding the head straight. After about 20 seconds the water will reach the top of the rose and revive it. Then you can transfer the roses back to their vase.
With Sprite, I think you just add some to the regular vase water.
noting the flower advice
My word Gar, 8 years seems like a long time to me.
Speaking of flowers. My son is going to his 8th grade dance. He had told me a couple days ago he wasn't going, but apparently a certain Brittney had other plans, so now he is going. It's a dressy thing. So I told him that if he was going with Brittney then he should bring her a corsage. He of course thinks I'm nuts. He should, right?
Brittney is a new interest apparently. Last month he had 3 text messages on his phone. This month so far he has 1341. Um, ever hear of talking?
being some one that works better at following a regime if I can see results - that alone is a good reason for a scan.
You know what pissed me off? A man who, if there isn't EVERY single ingredient to make tacos/tostadas, says, "we can't have that." Good lord. Will the lack of refried beans KILL him? *sigh*
uploading photos from our easter train trip and a few garden photos. I spent time wandering around the gardening doing a littl eof this and a little of that . I am a pollen storage unit.
Windsparrow, cut the rose stems at an angle, under running hot water and transfer immediately to warm water in the vase. The trick is to not expose the cut ends to air at all, if possible. I throw out those stupid packets--they always make the flowers wilt and die faster, for me. The axioms that work best for me are "warm water, cold air." And keep the vase up high enough that the damn cat won't eat the babies breath, or the lillies, both of which are toxic to cats.
Shopping with Perkins = Fun, btw. She's quite the enabler.
Hey! Pot....kettle.
This really was a very good fun day. I had a very nice drive-- it was the first time I've gone up that way, and most of the drive was beautiful, I got to see -t, I got a nice short sleeved sweater, two new purses for very very cheap, and an absolutely kick ass leather travel case that will fit my laptop and was exactly what I wanted but much better (it has wheels, and an extendable handle!) and was less than I thought I would have to spend, plus -t and I bought a present for Emma that made us both laugh like loons.
Will the lack of refried beans KILL him? *sigh*
from the sounds of it, at least a hemorage
I don't think we had corsages for any dances other than prom.