Dessert means no angst, right, P-C?
I have no idea what it means or what it signifies or what could happen tonight and what she is thinking and so I have decided thinking is bad and should not be done ever.
Conversation that just occurred between a co-worker and me:
"How are you?"
"I'm frazzled."
"Really? You don't look frazzled. You look calm and collected."
"I hide it well."
"I'd like to do that. Is it a learned behavior?"
"No, it's a coping mechanism."
At which point she cacked like a hyena.
I have decided thinking is bad and should not be done ever.
heh. you and me both, my friend.
Heh. Had a little downtime, so I shot off emails to my boss and my minion asking each of them if they needed my help with anything. Almost simultaneously, I get back:
MINION: You could kill [BOSS] for me.
BOSS: Give [MINION] a Quaalude.
Think I'll just stay over here in my corner, thanks.
you should respond to each saying, "Done and done!"
I miss having my own minion. I have one on loan, but it is not the same.
I have decided thinking is bad and should not be done ever.
This is often an excellent plan of attack.
Too funny, brenda, in a glad-it's-not-me way.
(Eta: e-mail passed on, Sparky. I'm fairly certain she'll be happy to help)
Excellent. Thanks so much, -t.
From what little I know of CJ, a comedy show sounds like a good outlet for him, Suzi. (As a younger sibling myself, I can just imagine what a little brother could skewer an older sister with during a stand-up routine. Hee!)
He is quite the ham. This will be.........interesting.
Did he not tell you he was doing this, Suzi?
Anyone want to take a quick look at my resume before I send it to the recruiter? I'm sure she'll have me do any revisions she thinks are necessary, but I want to avoid looking like a total idiot if I can.