Well, for me (not for everyone), it produces serious second-trimester heartburn. I expect the third trimester will be worse. However, apparently as soon as there's nobody living in my torso but me again everything should be fine.
I was hoping it was this and not some crazy new dietary standard for pregnant women. Although, my comment was a little tongue in cheek; stupid internet and not being able to see the expression on someone's face. I definitely want kids some day, regardless of what I would have to give up. Poor, JZ. Pregnant woman should be able to eat all the yummy food they want and in large quantities.
We have finally achieved baby! (My sister-in-law, that is.) Arrived somewhere in the neighborhood of 7:15 p.m., while we were at Ben's baseball game, and is a healthy 8 lb. girl named Lauren Anne. Yay!
Took her own sweet time coming, though.
yay for the new baby niece, AmyLiz!
Okay, could I have picked a profession in which I work myself to exhaustion for a less grateful audience?
I suppose so. I could be a repo man
Oh! Oh! Or a Bail Bondsman!
Bounty hunter!
That LJ crap is... crappy. I haven't clicked the links yet, but I'm feeling up in arms about it anyway. Stupid. People.
We have finally achieved baby!
Yay for baby! At least she'll have a memorable birthdate.
All the exam~ma in the world to you, Hil.
I went back to the doctor today to find out why the coughing and wheezing will not go away. Three hours and one chest X-ray later, I have antibiotics and cough syrup, plus a stern reminder to take the four inhalers and the prednisone I already have and antihistamines every four hours. I am sooooo ready to be over this.
Congratulations on your new neice, AmyLiz!!!
The livejournal think makes me so angry, I can't even come up with a response to it. Anyone that tries to make a woman feel ashamed about breastfeeding just pisses me off to no end. Plus, when I think of what is on some of the icons on my friendslist, I can't believe that this is the stand they chose to take.
{{{Ginger}}} I'm so sorry.
All kinds of exam~ma for Hil! Go get 'em!
I am sooooo ready to be over this.
God, that sucks, Ginger. That's a lot of meds to keep track of. Here's hoping they do some good soon.
Plus, when I think of what is on some of the icons on my friendslist, I can't believe that this is the stand they chose to take.
Yes, this. The asshole who started the whole thing should be strung up by his toes.
Thanks for the baby congratulations, all! My parents are thrilled -- they've got six grandchildren now, three boys and three girls. (I mean, they would have been thrilled with any amount, but they take such a lot of joy in the kids.) Personally, I can't wait to see pictures of the new little one.
Oh, Ginger, I hope it gets much better very soon.