it all started because a guy who was warned for bad behavior spammed LJ abuse with complaints of about 30 women who had those icons in order to stir up this storm.
Man, what an asshole. Please say he's since been suspended himself, please? Even if it's more truthy than actually true?
Um... sure... I can say that.
This is the community most affected: [link]
and this is the journal of the guy who started it all:
The basic background:
Now, I know I'm not a mother or anything, but how in hell can a picture of feeding a child be considered sexual? And no nipple? I assume that means no icons of paintings or sculptures too?
That is whole heap of grey area they are playing with there.
no icons of paintings or sculptures too
Women who have default icons of art, including one of Mary feeding Jesus have been banned. LJ says the icons are fine as long as they're not the default.
Again with the edits.
Supposedly the guy who started it did it as a joke, closed out his complaints, but another community [link] heard about it and took up the torch, so to speak.
Okay. Did they do that in response to people saying 'well if you ban that, you have to ban this'? Because that would be really digging themselves a hole.
Oh good lord. Livejournal. Jeesh.
I have nothing really to say about it, I'm just exasperated.
JZ, I'm very pleased that you can get Doppler on demand. How reassuring!
I love that your cupcake matches you, GC!
Dude, LJ needs to be slapped. Ridiculous.
I love that your cupcake matches you, GC!
Hee! Less fortunate is the underground pimple on my chin that also matches my outfit...
I have no clue what it's all about, really, except that people act like people everywhere, which is pretty embarrassing.
Sorry to pop in with all that.
I meant to start with hi, howaya? nice to see ya'll.
Yay for the regular dopplering for the halloweenie. It's so nice to have someone professional who understands.
{{sj}} I'm sorry. You made perfect sense. I wish I had an idea.
Lovely hair talk in here lately, makes me want hair to cut off.
Hugs and hairpats, to everyone.
another community [link] heard about it and took up the torch, so to speak.
Usually I can't stop myself from wading right into the thick of a trainwreck, but this time I clicked on your link and then clicked right back here without looking at a single actual entry. I feel I've grown as a person, or something.
I feel I've grown as a person, or something.
No! You're growing as